Dry Support Complex
Naturally stop excess sweating with Nuderm DRY hyperhidrosis treatment. Dry works from the inside out and doesn’t require costly antiperspirants or
Deodorants to work. DRY is a natural Treatment that helps control imbalances that cause excessive sweats
Nuderm Dry works in weeks and will quickly eliminate
Night Sweats
Sweaty Hands
Sweaty Feet
Sweaty Armpit
Excessive facial sweat
Body odor caused from profuse sweating
No more need for armpit pads or costly and dangerous injections. All natural dry will stop excessive sweating or your money back.
DRY helps- Reduces hot flashes, night sweats, mood swings, with a proprietary blend of powerful balancing agents including Black Cohosh, Dong Quai, Licorice Red Clover, Red Raspberry, Wild Yam, Sage, Red Clover, and other ingredients